For Jet Lag: Testimonials
I'm no stranger to international travel, and I'm definitely no stranger to jet lag, so I was really intrigued when I heard there was a natural supplement on the market that claimed it could make a difference. When I'm getting set to perform in front of an audience I don't want to feel floored with jet lag so I was willing to give it a go, and I was bowled over by the difference it made.
-Lorne Cousin, Celebrity Piper
I took Protex-H as I departed for Glasgow airport then spent two nights in Dubai. I took another dose as I left Dubai for Sydney. I suffered absolutely ZERO jet lag! I had a superb trip. I was pretty anxious about going as I have suffered from jet lag in the past and it can be really debilitating, so it really did transform the trip from one I was worried about to one I thoroughly enjoyed. I will never go on a long-haul again without taking them.
-Professor Douglas Tocher, University of Stirling
I visit Singapore up to three times a year to see my young grandchildren, but after the long flights I have always suffered badly from jetlag for about two or three days and missed out on some valued time with them. Since I started taking Protex-H, I now feel fine right away. On my recent visit I could hardly believe I had crossed continents as I was unaware of any jet lag effects at all. On my return to the UK I've been more confident driving after arriving, whereas before I felt a bit uncoordinated from jet lag for the first couple of days. Protex-H makes long haul travel so much more bearable when I know I can be free of jetlag on arrival at my destination.
-Senga Sloan, Alloway, Ayr, Scotland
I've taken a trip to and from Taiwan… in itself interesting… but the Protex-H seemed to work pretty well.
-Richard Simpson, MSP, Edinburgh
Thank you for forwarding on my further order for Protex-H. It really is amazing stuff. I like to keep fit, even when travelling to international conferences. Last month I flew from London to Vancouver to give a paper on 'stress and welfare' at a scientific meeting. I took my usual Protex-H dose before the flight. Despite it being such a long and time-zone-spanning flight, I once again felt fine on arrival.
-Dr S.Kadri (international scientist who has been using Protex-H for two years)
Aquaculture is a global business these days and travel is a necessary evil. Based in Scotland, regular travel to US South America, Africa or Asia can be disruptive to work efficiency so problems like jetlag and travel fatigue can start to have real effects on the business bottom line. I find that Protex-H starts the healing process before the damage is done, and prevents the ill-effects of jetlag, allowing businesses to continue regardless of the journey.
-Neil Manchester, Chief Executive, Landcatch Natural Selection (LNS) Ltd
My husband and I have just returned from a five week holiday of a lifetime in which we were constantly changing time zones, crossing and re-crossing the international date line and clocking up more than 60 flying hours. As it is a natural product, safe and easy to take, my other half, a self-confessed sceptic, agreed - nothing ventured, nothing gained - and each time we arrived on a different continent the remarkable benefits of taking Protex-H were experienced first-hand. There was no grogginess, there were no feelings of being slightly disorientated and we had no trouble adjusting to sleeping patterns, daylight hours and mealtimes. We were ready and raring to go and able to fully enjoy all the action-packed sightseeing and experiences at all our worldwide destinations - Singapore, Perth, Sydney, Cook Islands, San Diego via Auckland and Boston. Although we are nearing pensionable age we are still enthusiastically active and will never fly long haul again without our supplies of Protex H and definitely does as it says on the box - prevents jet lag!
-Mrs Laney Flockhart, London, UK
Arrived last night in Natal, Brazil, after 42 hours in journey, having taken my Protex-H and feel 100 per cent. Great! Got up this morning as usual, feeling great, whilst my mate who arrived from Houston with a three hour time difference is all over the place!
-Dr Matthew Briggs, International Livestock Breeding Company, Director, Bangkok
In my role as a fish veterinarian and pathologist I regularly travel abroad to attend conferences and meetings, and on my long haul flights to places like Chile and western Canada and I have used Protex-H and found that despite up to 30 hours door-to-door, I can go straight into meetings or return to my home schedule without any jet lag issues. I would not travel without Protex-H.
-Dr Marian McLoughlin MVB PhD MRCVS, Aquatic Veterinary Services, Belfast
...I had to travel to Thailand at very short notice and I am not prepared to do long-haul flights without [Protex-H] nowadays....I had no jet lag at all after my flight to Paris, overnight flight to Bangkok and immediate immersion in meetings on arrival. The normality of the way I feel after long-haul is so normal that I have to try hard to remember how bad my jet lag used to be.
-Alexander McLean, Chairman, McLean Associates, Ayr, Scotland
The Protex-H seems to have little effect on mental stress and does not stop post-event relapses, but my recovery time from physical stress has been much less - ie generally a day or two rather than weeks, or even months - and this obviously means I am able to do more. Quality of life has improved. This general improvement has been noticed by friends and family, not all of whom are aware of the Protex-H. Of course it could all be coincidental but I have to say that in 29 years of living with ME this is the first supplement/therapy that seems to have had any significant effect on my wellbeing.
-Susan Crouch, Cornwall, England
My M.E. has been a real burden for the last five years. Nothing seemed to help and when I was exhausted, after the smallest excitement or exertion, the recovery seemed endless. I was introduced to Protex H with little expectation, but I tried it. It has transformed my situation. I am not back at work yet, and still get tired but only after much more exertion than before. I only take it when I know I am going to risk stress and I find it a tremendous relief.
-Mrs K. E. Manchester, England.